MATLAB: How to record the data of weights and bias after every training by using neural network toolbox

neural network toolboxrecordweights and bias

Hi, everyone.I want your help and suggestions. As the title of the question, I want to record the data of the weights and bias modified after every training except the final data after the total training by using the neural network toolbox. For example,
net= newff(physchars,sex,20,{'logsig','purline'},'traingd','learngd','mse'); net.trainFcn='traingd'; net.trainparam.epochs=100;; [net,tr] = train(net,physchars,sex);
I want to record data of weights and bias durning the 100 times of epochs training.
Can anybody give me some suggestions? Thanks and wait for your response. I am using Matlab 2013b.

Best Answer

Train in a loop of 1-epoch adjustments. Store the weights at the end of each pass.