MATLAB: How to programmatically modify simulink.signal object in sldd

data dictionarysldd

I am trying to modify datatype of exisiting simulink.signal object programmatically. I am unable to get simulink.signal object using the following code.
ddName = 'MySldd.sldd';
dicObj =;
secObj = getSection(dicObj,'Design Data');
foundEntries = find(secObj,'-isa','Simulink.Signal');
foundEntries is returning 0.
even if I run the following code I get all the parameter object but not the signal object.
foundEntries = find(secObj)
How to acces datatype of simulink.signal object and modify it?

Best Answer

ddName = 'MySldd.sldd';
dicObj =;
secObj = getSection(dicObj,'Design Data');
SigEntries = find(secObj,'-value','-class','Simulink.Signal')