MATLAB: How to programmatically add a block from Audio Toolbox to Simulink


I have added a Simulink "In File" block programmatically:
add_block('simulink/Sinks/To File',...)
How do I add a block from Audio Toolbox?
I tried
add_block('Audio Toolbox/Sources/From Multimedia File',..)
but it fails with "There is no block named 'Audio Toolbox/Sources/From Multimedia File'".

Best Answer

In order to add a block you shouldn't look at the library name because its file could be named differently. This is that case.
You should point:
'dspvision/From Multimedia File'
If you want to add any block, you can check its real source by selecting it and in the command window executing
Except if the block comes from built-in, in that case you should look at the
Hope it helps.