MATLAB: How to populate a matrix based on a function

functionMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

I have a 2d matrix of width 256 and height 128.
I also have some theoretical function: 127.5 * cos(pi * row_index) + col_index
I want to populate the cells of the matrix using this function so that the row_index/col_index pull from each cell as it is computed.
Ideally I need to use functions that can run against each cell in a matrix and also have access to the following variables:
  1. Current Column Index
  2. Current Row Index
  3. Current Cell Value (I'm not using this in the earlier example, but I'd like to be able to use it in the future)

Best Answer

[RowIndices, ColumnIndices] = ndgrid(1:size(YourArray,1), 1:size(YourArray,2));
population_function = @(col_idx, row_idx, CurrentCellValue) 127.5 * cos(pi * row_index) + col_index;
populated_matrix = arrayfun(population_function, ColumnIndices, RowIndices, YourArray);
... But you will find that it is more efficient to just use vectorization:
[col_index, row_index] = ndgrid(1:size(YourArray,1), 1:size(YourArray,2));
populated_matrix = 127.5 * cos(pi * row_index) + col_index;