MATLAB: How to plot selected columns from UITable in app designer (2019b)

MATLABplot uitableuitable

I have created an app using designer app that displays data in a UITable. I want the user to select two columns then plot them. I have figured out how to keep track of the selected indices and get the selected columns out of that.
I tried this
T = app.UITable.Data;
The problem here is that T(:,app.ColumnsSelected(1or2)) is a table so plot gives an error because it doesn’t plot tables
I have been trying this for a while now without success.

Best Answer

Use brace indexing
plot(app.UIAxesName, T{:,app.ColumnsSelected(1)},T{:,app.ColumnsSelected(2)});
Also, note that first input to plot shoule be the handle to UIAxes.
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