MATLAB: How to plot a line rather than seperate points

curveforfor loopholdhold onhomeworkhowififelseoscillatingplot

t = -2;
yo = 5;
w = 5;
k = 0.1;
for t = -2:20
if t < 0
y = -yo;
elseif t < 10
y = -yo*(cos(w*t));
y = -yo*(cos(w*t))*exp(-k*(t-10));
plot(t,y,'.'); hold on
hold off
This is the code. I've looked everywhere and I just cannot figure out how to plot the oscillation curve I need from the given data in the code. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

Don't plot each point, ONE at a time. You cannot easily connect a new point to the last. (Well, you could do it, but it would be insanely silly to do so.)
Create the result as a vector, then call plot ONCE.
Learn how to use MATLAB. MATLAB is all about vectors and arrays.