MATLAB: How to manipulate uitables


I want to manipulate the logical column in a table using uitable:
figure ('name', 'Channels, original')
t1 = uitable ('Position', [20 20 450 375], 'ColumnWidth', 'auto');
t1.Data = (final); %this is a cell containing 5 columns with the fifth a logical
t1.ColumnName = {'Channel', 'Combine', 'Ratio', 'ISA', 'Resected'};
t1.ColumnEditable = [false false false false true];
Running this generates a table with a ratio box, but how can I change the original table ("final") such that the logical column becomes true/false?

Best Answer

t1.ColumnFormat = {'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'logical'};