MATLAB: How to make an interactive drop down in App Designer

app designerinteractive

I want to make an application for App Designer that uses a drop down button, a button group, and a pushbutton to display different images on a UIAxes. The user should be able to select a drop down value, then based on that value, be allowed to choose only from a selection of the radio buttons available in the button group. Then click the push button and a certain image will display.
For example:
UIdropdown has the items: 'A', 'B', 'C'
UIButtongroup has the uiradiobuttons: app.Red, app.Blue, app.Green, app.Yellow
If the user selects the item 'A', then I want the uiradiobuttons app.Yellow and app.Blue to have the 'Enable' property set to 'off', such that the user will only be able to select either uiradiobuttons app.Red or app.Green.
So I how to disable the uiradiobutton if I have a callback on pushbutton:
eg./ app.Blue.Enable = 'off'; app.Yellow.Enable = 'off';
My problem is I do not know how to apply this for a drop down component based on the items the user selects. I tried to write a callback on the drop down component using conditionals (if…else) but for every other item after the 1st item in the drop down component, I get this error:
Error using uiradiobutton (line 58) There is no on property on the RadioButton class.
It also only works after I click the pushbutton.

Best Answer

Add a 'DropDownValueChanged' callback to your uidropdown;