MATLAB: How to invert a Transfer function in Simulink

simulationsimulinktransfer function

Hi everyone!
I am trying to invert my transfer function: 1/(7.5*s+1) in simulink to 1/G(s) = 7.5*s+1. The goal here is to use the output of the system, pass it through the inverse of the transfer function and get the original input of the system.
However, I have some difficulties establishing the transfer runction in Simulink. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Best Answer

Transfer functions are not allowed to have a higher order in the numerator than in the denominator (more zeros than poles). This is because that makes them 'non-causal' which means that they depend on the future value of the input (which doesn't make sense).
Why would you want to "get the original input ot the system" when you already know what it is?