MATLAB: How to get the mouse coordinates in a 3D spherical plot

3d plotslatitude and longitudemapsmouse coordinatesmouse positionsspherical plot

I plot the globe in 3D, and would like to get the latitude and longtitude of the current mouse position.
I tried to use get(gca,'CurrentPoint'), and I don't know how to map those coordinates to the equivalent latitude and longtitude on the map. I think the camera view has some effect as well.
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
h=axesm ('globe','Grid', 'on');
axis off;
base = zeros(180,360); baseref = [1 90 0];
load coast; % load all the map lines
plotm(lat, long); % plot the world maps
view([90 0 0])

Best Answer

If you have x,y,z coordinates use spherical system coordinate:
theta is longitude (from equator), phi - latitude
lat1 = asind(z); % asin() [0 .. 90]degree
t = asind(y/cosd(lat1));
Choose angle for longitude (0 .. 360)
t = [t, 180-t, 180+t, 360-t];
x1 = cosd(t)*cosd(lat1);
y1 = sind(t)*cosd(lat1);
long1 = t( abs(x-x1+y-y1) < 1e-3 );