MATLAB: How to get predicted values from an open-loop Narxnet following other predicted values? Or is just possible with closed loop

closed loopnarxnetNetworkneuralopen loopprediction

I´m trying, once the net its trained, to get the net´s prediction of the trained data divided in 10 values predicted each time. I mean, it predicts the 10 first values, then the following 10 and so on. My question is if this is possible with an open-loop configuration of the net or its just possible with a closed-loop configuration, and if it is how.
Thank you beforehand

Best Answer

Using the openloop configuration requires a target input. When you run out of target data you have to use the closeloop configuration.
I have many posts in the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS on both topics. Just add greg to the rest of your search words.
Hope this helps.
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