MATLAB: How to generate visual graph for classified behaviour

accelerometerclassification learnerdatagraphlabel;plotting

I have a 285768×1 cell which has word outputs such as 'standing''step' etc which are linked to time. Each row is equal to 0.02s of time. The labels are for IMU data (which is graphed by MATLAB with waveforms). My question is how do i visualise the data?
– create a graph with time and behaviour, to label the waveforms – maybe use one axis of the accelerometer and label it with colour (red when stepping or blue when standing etc). -create a percentage of behaviour recorded? so I can detect activity budgets.
At the moment there are no plots I can perform. Any help regarding how to do this would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

Let str be your cell of size 285768x1 having strings. And let A be the corresponding 285768xn data matrix. To visualize the data having a string 'standing' do this:
idx = strfind(str,'standing') ; % get indices of string standing
A_standing = A(idx,:) ; % this gives you whole data with string standing
pcolor(A_standing) ; % surf plot
shading interp