MATLAB: How to efficiently find the index cell-string and cell-number

efficientindex cell number

Dear Matlab Coder,
The idea was to find the index if each of the row fulfill the following condition, such as
Second column of ROW contain the string= Acond Third column of ROW contain the string = SS1 Seventh column of ROW contain the number = 1
Manually inspect, the index that fulfill the following condition are index 4 15 26.
To automated the procedure, the following code is realize. The mat file is attached together in this question
load ('raw.mat')
index1 = find((strcmp(raw (:,2), 'ACond') & (strcmp(raw (:,3), 'SS1'))));
index2 = find([raw{:,7}] == 1);
As notice in the above line, I had to used two index. I believe this the last two line can be combined to get a compact representation. So, the following code is proposed
load ('raw.mat')
index1 = find((strcmp(raw (:,2), 'ACond') & (strcmp(raw (:,3), 'SS1')) & ([raw{:,7}] == 1)));
However, the proposed code is not working as intended. May I know the workaround for this problem?.
To add, may I know a more compact representation if the condition are to be extended, say
index1 = find( (strcmp(raw (:,1), 'Sub3') & (strcmp(raw (:,2), 'ACond') & (strcmp(raw (:,3), 'SS1'))...
& ([raw{:,5}] == 4)) & ([raw{:,7}] == 1)));
Thanks in advance for the time entertaining this problem

Best Answer

This does not work:
index2 = find([raw{:,7}] == 1);
The first element raw{1,1} is the string 'Trial'. Therefore [raw{:,7}] is a 1 x 44 char vector, but you want the numerical values only.
Crop the first and the last row at first:
FileData = load('raw.mat');
raw = FileData.raw(2:end-1, :);
index = find(strcmp(raw(:,2), 'ACond') & ...
strcmp(raw(:,3), 'SS1') & ...
[raw{:,7}].' == 1) + 1;
If you do not now, which rows are valid in advance:
FileData = load('raw.mat');
raw = FileData.raw;
valid = find(cellfun('isclass', raw(:, 2), 'char') & ...
cellfun('isclass', raw(:, 3), 'char') & ...
cellfun('isclass', raw(:, 7), 'double'));
index = valid(strcmp(raw(valid,2), 'ACond') & ...
strcmp(raw(valid,3), 'SS1') & ...
([raw{valid,7}].' == 1));
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