MATLAB: How to edit and save xyz format data

edit xyz data

Hello, I replace some value in z column (ex: -0,01 become 0) and plot it. But it seems not all data are replaced well. After that, how to save it to a new XYZ file, so I can make a comparison. The script that I use :
function tes_replace
A = load('no_river.txt');
x = A (:,1); y = A (:,2) ; z = A(:,3);
scatter (x,y,10,z,'filled')
caxis ([-0.01 0])

Best Answer

% function tes_replace
A = load('no_river.txt');
x = A (:,1); y = A (:,2) ; z = A(:,3);
% z(z==-0.01)=0;
idx = abs(z-(-0.01))<10^-3 ;
z(idx) = 0 ;
scatter (x,y,10,z,'filled')
caxis ([-0.01 0])