MATLAB: How to delete an axes handle from a GUI


So let me explain better. I have axes1 in my GUI and I have used 'scatter' to draw something in axes1. Now I want to remove the image and make axes1 non visible.
I tried to use set(handles.axes1,'Visible','Off') but this only makes axes not visible leaving there the scatter image.
I have also tried delete(handles.axes1) but this removes completely the handles from my GUI and I don't want that because the user may want to scatter a new graphic.
Sorry for my bad English and I hope I made myself clear…

Best Answer

Unfortunately MATLAB is not like Microsoft Visual Studio in that regard. Setting the axes to invisible doesn't really hide the whole thing. Possibly the easiest way to do that is to place the axes inside a panel. Then you can set the panel visibility on or off and it will show or hide everything inside of it. Using cla() and it's various options will not hide the whole thing - you'll still have stuff showing. Hope that helps.