MATLAB: How to crop an image inside a boundary

image croppingMATLAB

I have an image from which I want to crop a certain portion of it. I drew the boundary at first. Below is the code:
img = imread('Intensity1.jpg');
figure, imshow(img);
% getting a segment
position = wait(h);
figure,imshow(region); title('Segmented Region');
% use bwperim rather than bwboundaries to get an Image of boundary.
boundImg = uint8(bwperim(rgb2gray(region),4));
boundImg(boundImg ~=0) = max(img(:));
figure, imshow(img + boundImg)
% save image without loosing information..
imwrite(img + boundImg, 'writeImg.jpg');
% check
read = imread('writeImg.jpg');
figure, imshow(read)
isequal(read, img + boundImg)
The image is below:
I want to crop the portion of the image specified by the boundary above. I tried the following line of code but there is no change in the result.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

After getting the mask of the selected region from the above line in your code, you can use regionprops to obtain a rectangular box around the mask and then use imcrop to crop the image.
stats = regionprops(region, 'BoundingBox');
crop_region = stats.BoundingBox; % contains [top_left_x top_left_y width height]
cropped_img = imcrop(img, crop_region);
For more information on how to use regionprops and imcrop, refer to the following links: