MATLAB: How to create a 3 dimensional response surface plot from X Y Z points

contourresponse surface

Hi all,
I am struggling a bit here, and hope somebody could help. I have a set of X Y and Z points and Z is not found by any function of X and Y. In other words, I have independent X Y and Z values and these values are;
288 2.79 7.55
318 4.64 14.28
127 2.31 8.31
132 7.16 17.27
264 2.31 4.32
200 2.60 6.74
268 3.06 15.12
I need to create a response surface plot (contour plot) from these values. I would be so glad and thankful if somebody could help with with that. I am sorry if question is not very clear. If not, I can ask in detail. In sort, I have eight X Y Z independent data and want to create a response surface.
Best Regards,

Best Answer

How about using an interpolation? The following is a simple example:
% Apply cubic interpolation
[xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid(linspace(min(X),max(X)),linspace(min(Y),max(Y)));
zGrid = griddata(X(:),Y(:),Z(:),xGrid(:),yGrid(:),'cubic');
zGrid = reshape(zGrid,size(xGrid));
% Visualize the result
hold on
grid on