MATLAB: How to convert Hex data into decimal data


I have to convert the hex data I have into one decimal array. I am not able to use this data as input for following reasons.
1. MATLAB is unable to import this data file(data.m)
2. While defining the data in matrix or cell form is giving an error at each element which contains number and string(Example: 0A B5)
Example:(data.m) B5 62 0A 04 00 00 0E 34 B5 62 0D 01 10 00 A0 9A D9 13 00 00 00 00 CB F3 FF
for n=1:1:t
count_hex = count_hex + 1;
A = data(1,n);
B(:,count_hex) = hex2dec(A);
What can I do to make it work?

Best Answer

Hexadecimal values are stored in strings in MatLab.
HexValue = 'FE'
hex2dec = hex2dec(HexValue)
DataHex = {'B5','C0','FF','ABCD'} % using a cell array of strings to store multiple values
DataDec = hex2dec(DataHex) % hex2dec can operate on such a cell array. No need to loop.
If your data file is an ascii file with Hex values separated by blank spaces, you can easily read it in using TEXTREAD:
DataHex = textread('myfile.txt','%s')