MATLAB: How to commit changes to a Matlab submodule

commitfetchgitMATLABpushsimulinksubmoduleversion control

Good morning,
I have a Simulink Project under version control with GIT and I've added a submodule to it.
Parent repo > Submodule.
How can I commit and, subsequently, push my modification to the submodule's repo? Committing the parent repo and then pushing from Submodules > Push has no effect and I get "The target reference is already up to date no action required."
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

If you change your current directory to be within the submodule folder, you can then commit local changes to the submodule's file using MATLAB's current folder browser. If the submodule contains a Simulink Project you can open the project instead to commit the changes.
When the local changes have been committed you can use the "Submodules" control in the project to push any changes to the submodule's remote.