MATLAB: How many neurons in the hidden layer??

emotion recognitionhidden layer

Number of neurons in the input layer of my feed-forward network is 77, number of neurons in output layer is 7, I want to use multiple hidden layers, How many neurons, Should I keep in each hidden layer from first to last between input and output layer

Best Answer

For a given performance on training data, the fewer the number of weights, the better. Then the net will better generalize to validation, test and unseen data with the same statistical properties.
Since universal approximators can be made with a single hidden layer. Most default configurations have an I-H-O node topology for I dimensional inputs, O-dimensional outputs and H hidden nodes. The resulting number of unknown weights is
Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O
With Ntrn input/target training pairs, the number of training equations is
Ntrneq = Ntrn*O.
For the number of unknowns to not exceed the number of equations, Nw <= Ntrneq which yields the following upper bound on the number of hidden nodes
H <= Hub = (Ntrneq-O)/(I+O+1)
If possible, increase stability, robustness and generalization with Nw << Ntrneq which yields.
H << Hub
It is very doubtful that you need 77 inputs. Using more than necessary will increase the number of weights and, typically, destabilize your design. Therefore, you should first reduce the number of inputs before trying to reduce the number of hidden nodes.
The choice of variables obtained from the linear STEPWISE and STEPWISEFIT model functions are, typically relevant.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
PS I should have a number of posts in the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS which are relevant.