MATLAB: How can i get latex symbols in the figure title with the use of variables

figure titlelatexMATLABnum2str

Im am trying to plot some figure but have trouble with the title. The title must have some variables which change over the loop for which i use the num2str command. I do however want some Latex tekst to indicate the variables. Somehow this does not work.
My code is:
naam = ['Comparison of DSDS with measured data. ','\Beta = ' num2str(Beta(idx(1,1),1)),' ' 'L_p/B_{px} =' num2str(LpBpx(idx(1,1),1)),' ' 'A_p/\nabla =' , num2str(ApNabla(idx(1,1),1)) ,' ' 'LCG =' , num2str(LCG(idx(1,1),1))];
title(naam,'Interpreter', 'tex')
The title then returns as:
In my labels and in my legend the latex tekst does work properly.
Can someone help me with what I am doing wrong?

Best Answer

I dont have all of your variables, but I personally like sprintf. I would strcat your title using strcat to bring it all together. Just ensure the '\beta' is outside of the sprintf.
also it is '\beta' not '\Beta'. This is most likely your issue.
i = 2;
naam = strcat(sprintf('Test Title = %i', i),'\beta');