MATLAB: How can create a neural network by hand using trained neural network data in Matlab

neural network

for example,following codes create a trained network in Matlab: x = 1:1:50 y = x * 3 net = newff(x,y,5) net = train(net,x,y)
so ,i can get following information from the net: net.IW,net.LW,net.b,and the default transform functions tansig and purelin. Using these information to create a neural network by hand,i find that i can not get the correct result which the function sim() provide. Is there any other important information i ignore when i create a network by hand?

Best Answer

x = 1:1:50; % Semicolon

y = x * 3 ; % Semicolon
net = newff(x,y,5) % NO semicolon

inputprocessfunctions = net.inputs{1}.processFcns % NO semicolon
outputprocessfunctions = net.outputs{1}.processFcns % NO semicolon
help mapminmax
Hope this helps.
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