MATLAB: Hex to binary character array

hex char

I am trying to convert an Heaxdecimal data to a binary format. The value is extracted from a CSV files and I get a value (1 x 102 char). Each of the are comprise between 0 and f, but the function hex2dec do not interpret this type of data directly. I am unable to convert this string to binary nor decimal.
>> a = Data{1,12}{1,33}{1,1}
a =
>> hex2dec(a)
Error using hex2dec>hex2decImpl (line 58)
Input to hex2dec should have just 0-9, a-f, or A-F.
Error in hex2dec (line 21)
d = hex2decImpl(h);
Would you know which way I will be able to convert this data?

Best Answer

This string is way too long to be converted to a decimal (or binary) number directly. It is actually 100 hex digits long (not 102 as you say in your question).
To convert this string to binary on a byte-by-byte basis (two characters per byte) you can do this:
a = '8000000000200000000000000000000005e380924000012808800000c0000000000000000013f000111f0000000000000000';
>> binresult = dec2bin(hex2dec(reshape(a, numel(a)/2, [])))
binresult =
50×8 char array
Note that this only works if the number of characters in the string is even.
For 16 bit binary results change numel(a)/2 to numel(a)/4.
Note that Benjamin's comment is correct, you can't surround a string or char vector with both single and double quotes. For this, use the single quotes to create a char vector. If your data is a string, try replacing a in the above with char(a).