MATLAB: GUI adding elements in listbox


Hello there. I m trying to create a gui. I firstly design it via guide command. I ve designed a list box and I was wandering how it is possible to add new elements in this listbox.

Best Answer

This is from my collection of GUIs for learning on the FEX.
function [] = GUI_2()
% Demonstrate how to add a new entry to a uicontrol string.
% Creates a listbox with some strings in it, an editbox and a pushbutton.
% User types some text into the editbox, then pushes the pushbutton. The
% user's text will be added to the top of the listbox.
% Suggested exercise: Modify the code so that hitting return after a
% string is typed performs the same task as pushing the pushbutton.

% Author: Matt Fig
% Date: 7/15/2009
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[500 500 200 300],...
'resize','off'); = uicontrol('style','list',...
'position',[10 110 180 180],...
S.ed = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[10 60 180 30],...
'string','New String');
S.pb = uicontrol('style','push',...
'position',[10 10 180 40],...
'string','Add String',...
function [] = ed_call(varargin)
% Callback for pushbutton, adds new string from edit box.
S = varargin{3}; % Get the structure.
oldstr = get(,'string'); % The string as it is now.
addstr = {get(S.ed,'string')}; % The string to add to the stack.
% The order of the args to cat puts the new string either on top or bottom.
set(,'str',{addstr{:},oldstr{:}}); % Put the new string on top -OR-
% set(,'str',{oldstr{:},addstr{:}}); % Put the new string on bottom.
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