MATLAB: Function sinc in matlab


I have this signal shifted by 7000 on the t axis
g(t) = 4000 * sinc(4000 * t) * e^(j * 2 * pi * 7000 * t)
I tried to replicate this in matlab to get the sinc graph, but does not work:
j = sqrt(-1);
x = linspace(-9000,9000);
y = (4000 * sinc(4000 * x)) * (exp(j * 2 * pi *7000 * x));
Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

y = (4000 * sinc(4000 * x)) .* (exp(j * 2 * pi *7000 * x)); % .*!!
Note: By default j is an imaginary number in MATLAB