MATLAB: Fsolve within a for loop

fsolve for loop

Hi. I need to get each column of z_ss in each iteration j after fsolve. The problem is I do not know how to adjust the function in the separate file accordingly, such that in the first iteration it is considering z_ss(:,1) , in the second z_ss(:,2) ect…
This is the code:
r_annual = 6.5;
rss = r_annual/400;
delta = 0.021;
sigma = 0.15;
alpha = 0.36;
rho = 0.95;
sigma_theta = 0.01;
theta_ss = 1; %(1)
M = 2;
g = 0:0.1:0.2;
z_ss = ones(M,length(g));
gamma = zeros(length(g),1);
beta = zeros(length(g),1);
for j = 1:length(g)
gamma(j) = 1+g(j);
beta(j) = gamma(j)/(1+rss);
params = [sigma alpha rss beta(j) r_annual delta rho gamma(j) M];
options=optimset('display','iter');%,'TolFun',1e-4,'TolX', 1e-4);
z_steady = @(z_ss)steadygrow(params, z_ss);
z_ss(:,j) = fsolve(z_steady, z_ss, options); %(2)
and the function is :
function H = steadygrow(params, z_ss)
%params = [sigma alpha rss beta(j) r_annual delta rho gamma(j) M];
h = zeros(params(9),1);
s1 = zeros(params(9),1);
s2 = zeros(params(9),1);
for i = 1:params(9)
s1(i) = (1-normcdf(z_ss(i)-params(1)))*(params(4)*(1-params(6)))^(i-1)*(params(8))^(-i);
s2(i) = (1-normcdf(z_ss(i)))*(params(4)*(1-params(6)))^(i-1);
S1 = log(sum(s1));
S2 = log(sum(s2));
for i =1:params(9)
h(i) = z_ss(i) - 1/params(1)*( log(1-params(2)) + S1 - S2 + 1/2*params(1)^2 + i * log (params(8)) );
H = h;
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I'm not completely sure what you want for the initial guess, x0, but the following should be a starting point.
options=optimset('display','iter');%,'TolFun',1e-4,'TolX', 1e-4);
for j = 1:length(g)
gamma(j) = 1+g(j);
beta(j) = gamma(j)/(1+rss);
params = [sigma alpha rss beta(j) r_annual delta rho gamma(j) M];
z_steady = @(x)steadygrow(params, x);
z_ss(:,j) = fsolve(z_steady, x0, options); %(2)