MATLAB: Finding the pseudo inverse of a matrix

pseudo inverse

I'm trying to find the inverse of the following matrix
A =
-185.0685 185.0685 0
185.0685 -274.3238 89.2553
0 89.2553 -89.2553
Since A is a low-rank matrix , inv(A) doesn't work. So I tried the pseudo inverse, pinv(A) which takes the inverse of SVD of A.
However, A*pinv(A) isn't equal to identity. Are there alternative ways to find an inverse of A that will satisfy A*inverse(A) = Identity ?

Best Answer

If the matrix A does not have full rank, there is no inverse. In consequence you cannot find any B, which satisfies A*B=eye . This is the definition of the rank, of invertible and there cannot be an "alternative".
This means, that the question is not meaningful. It is like asking for the inverse of 0. There is none.