MATLAB: Finding maximum across arrays with constraints


Hello community,
I am trying to solve a maximum problem with constraints. I have 3 arrays: A(a,x,y), B(b,x,y), C(c,x,y). In short, x, y are input parameters and a, b, c are respective outputs. I want to find the x, y values that gives me the maximal value of a. But the constraint is that the same x, y value pair need to lead to b and c values less than b_threshold and c_threshold, respectively. I am not sure where to begin as I am quite new to MatLab. Very grateful for any inputs and suggestions! Thank you very much!

Best Answer

It should be an easy task. Get the intersection of (x,y) of B and C. Let this intersection be (xBC,yBC). Do again intersection of (xBC,yBC) with (x,y) of A. And then get the maximum 'a' from this intersection with thresholds. This works if A, B, C are of different sizes. If they are of same dimension. do intersection by using threshold values and get the maximum 'a'.