MATLAB: FFT-DC and Nyquist components

fft-dc and nyquist componentspower_conversion_controlpower_electronics_control

Dear All,
I compute the power spectrum using FFT.
Sampling frequency = 10 Hz Data length = 16384 Nyquist frequency = 5 Hz Fast Fourier transform (FFT) of 16384 data points Discard the DC component Take the first half FFT components i.e. from 2 to 8193 ((16384/2)+1, Nyquist theorem) df = 5/8192 = 0.000610351 For each of the 8192 components, Power spectrum = Real^2 + Imaginary^2
Please correct me if i’m wrong.
My questions are: What is the use of Nyquist component? Should i discard the Nyquist component?
I read some of the internet source, the Nyquist component were discarded.
Thank you.

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