MATLAB: Evaluating a cell array of function handles

cell arrayfunction handlematlabfunction

In the following code I assemble a sequence of polynomials (the Chebyshev polynomials, to be exact) symbolically, and then use matlabFunction() to convert each symbolic expression into a function handle. Each function handle is then placed in the cell array.
N = 10;
C = cell(N,1);
syms y;
T = sym(zeros(N,1));
T(1) = 1;
T(2) = y;
C{1} = matlabFunction(T(1));
C{2} = matlabFunction(T(2));
for n = 2:1:N-1
T(n+1) = 2*y*T(n) - T(n-1);
C{n+1} = matlabFunction(T(n+1));
evalArray = @(y)cellfun(@(f)f(y),C);
However, evalArray(3), which is intended to evaluate each polynomial at y=3, gives the error: "Error using symengine>@()1.0;Too many input arguments."
Any suggestions? Thanks all for your help.

Best Answer

Exactly as you have made it, C{1} is a function that takes no input arguments.
Try this instead:
C{1} = matlabFunction(T(1),'vars',y);
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