MATLAB: Does the “SEQ” output from the HMMGENERATE function from the Statistics Toolbox not return emission probabilty

docemissionhmmgenerateStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxsymbols

According to the documentation for HMMGENERATE:
[seq, states] = hmmgenerate(len,TRANS,EMIS) generates a random sequence of emissions, seq, and
a random sequence of states, states, from a Markov model specified by transition probability
matrix TRANS and emission probability matrix EMIS. TRANS(i,j) is the probability of transition
from state i to state j. EMIS(k,l) is the probability that symbol l is emitted from state k.
It seems the matrix "SEQ" should be a matrix of probabilties and not symbols.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, documentation on the HMMGENERATE function is missing from the Statistics Toolbox.
The output "SEQ" from the HMMGENERATE function should return a random sequence of emission symbols. The documentation should mention "random sequence of emission symbols".