MATLAB: Do I receive an error when installing from files downloaded using Firefox/Mozilla on the 64-bit Linux machine


I am on a a 64-bit Linux machine and have used Firefox/Mozilla to download files from MathWorks website. After I download the files and extract boot.ftp, I execute the installer to install MATLAB and encountered the following errors:
Extracting ftp files . . . [please wait]
Extracting matlab.common
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Error extracting matlab.common!!!
Finished extracting ftp files.
Starting installer ...
If I go ahead and try to install, I see only MATLAB listed. None of the other products I downloaded are in the list to install.

Best Answer

This error can occur when using Firefox or Mozilla to download files on a 64-bit Linux machine. To resolve this issue, the files must be downloaded using a different browser on the 64-bit Linux machine.