MATLAB: Do I get a “JDBC Driver Error: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required” error when connecting to a remote MySQL database


Why do I get a "JDBC Driver Error: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required" error when connecting to a remote MySQL database?

Best Answer

This appears to be a server-side authentication issue with the MySQL database.
1) Please ensure the driver version for the JDBC connection is compatible with the version of the MySQL database you are trying to connect to.
2) Please specify the parameter "useSSL=false" in the URL of JDBC connection:
>> driverpath = 'C:\xxxxxx\mysql-connector-java-X.X.XX.jar';
>> opts = configureJDBCDataSource('Vendor','Other');
>> opts = setConnectionOptions(opts,'DataSourceName','SQLServerDataSource',...
'URL','jdbc:mysql://<hostname or ip address>/<database-name>?useSSL=false&',...
username = 'exampleUsername';
password = 'examplePassword';
[status, error] = testConnection(opts,username,password)
3) If these steps fail, please contact your database administrator to troubleshoot authentication and connectivity issues.