MATLAB: Display a struct as table


I wanted to display data as a table on the screen.
I thought that struct2table could do it , but instead it shows :
1×5 table
name carr cc cfc rel
___________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
[1×10 cell] [1×10 double] [1×10 double] [1×10 double] [1×5 double]
Is there a way to display the values of cells and arrays instead ?
I attach the data/code …

Best Answer

  1. convert all of the row vectors to column vectors, and
  2. make sure that they all have the same number of elements (the last one only has five),
then convert using struct2table. This is explained in the struct2table documentation: "struct2table converts a scalar structure array with n fields into an m-by-n table. Each field must have m rows."