MATLAB: Dicomread a File and Dicomwrite it results in different outputs…


I have a very weird problem.
I open a DicomFile and save it without changing a thing, but when I look at the dcm in synedra view, they are different.
The original files goes from -4096 to 4096 but the save file only from 0 to 4096. I then tried to stretch the file by myself i.o.:
x = (2.*x-4096);
But this was also not working, dicomwrite cuts the values below 0…
dinfo = dicominfo('testDicom.dcm');
x = dicomread(dinfo);
dicomwrite(x, 'testDicom2.dcm', dinfo)
Any ideas?
Best Ingo

Best Answer

Okay, I solved the problem!
If I would have read the manual carefully I have to use the option ( 'CreateMode', 'copy' ):
dicomwrite(x, 'testDicom2.dcm', dinfo 'CreateMode', 'copy');
Thanks for your help again and best wishes