MATLAB: Dealing with multiline text


I know how to open a file, access the data, and parse into arrays with regular expressions. What I want to do is somehow set a variable to a multiline text value and parse it in the same way. I would like to be able to do the following
x='line1 x 789
line2; y 483
line4 1 4 7 9'
and then be able to parse each line of x. The goal is require a minimal amount of error prone editing to data being pasted from a file which will then be parsed into arrays. I don't want to create files for each text section. Is my only choice
x(1) = ...
x(2) = ...
etc Thanks

Best Answer

In fact, it is quite inconvenient to create a multiline text string in MATLAB. I've tried the first approach as below before. But more often, I use cell array of strings. It's not that hard to make the cell string into multiple lines of text
x=['line1 x 789',char(10),...
'line2 y 483',char(10),...
'line3 {}',char(10),...
'line4 1 4 7 9'];
y={'line1 x 789'
'line2 y 483'
'line3 {}'
'line4 1 4 7 9'};