MATLAB: Datetime ‘InputFormat’ syntax


I am looking to convert a cell array of dates to a datetime array. From the text file BUContactOutput.txt I need the Start Time and Stop time in separate datetime arrays. This section of code shows how I am going about creating the StartTime datetime array.
ContactData = readtable('BUContactOutput.txt',...
'Delimiter', ' ', 'HeaderLines',4);
NumOfContacts = height(ContactData);
StartTime = cell(NumOfContacts,1);
for i = 1:NumOfContacts
day = num2str(ContactData.Var1(i));
month = char(ContactData.Var2(i));
year = num2str(ContactData.Var3(i));
time = char(ContactData.Var4(i));
StartTime{i,1} = strcat(year,'-',month,'-',day,'-',time);
datetime(StartContact, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MMM-dd-HH:mm:SSS')
This method is successful when the time component of StartTime is not included (no ,'-',time in the strcat function and no -HH:mm:SSS in datetime function), yet is not successful when the time component is included. I believe I have a syntax error in my 'InputFormat' content. I am unsure how to resolve the issue and the documentation has yet to provide me with a solution.
Thanks ahead to anyone who offers help.

Best Answer

Without seeing the actual format of time, it's difficult to know what the correct format should be. However, it's unusual to have SSS without a ss preceding it. So, possibly:
datetime(StartContact, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MMM-dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS')
See my comments to your question if that doesn't solve it.
Note: loop unneeded:
startTime = compose('%d-%s-%d-%s', ContactData.Var1, ContactData.Var2, ContactData.Var3, ContactData.Var4);