MATLAB: Confidence intervals for fitlme

confidence intervalsfitlmeMATLABmixed model

How can I plot the confidence intervals from the fitlme mixed model?
lme = fitlme(T1,' par ~ 1 + cov + (1 I ID)','FitMethod','REML');
Image 8.jpg
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
Name Estimate SE tStat DF pValue Lower Upper
{'(Intercept)'} 0.021452 0.0022428 9.5647 50 7.0315e-13 0.016947 0.025957
{'cov' } 0.00022556 0.00017193 1.3119 50 0.19554 -0.00011977 0.0005709

Best Answer

The plot image is only showing for standard regression not included random for the intercept in this case. The lme. Coefficient is only one value and it is not calculated over the prediction line.
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