MATLAB: Coder.ceva​l(‘printf’​,….) does not print a message instantaneously


Hi! I need to print a message every few iterations during a simulation to control current state of the simulation. Since the m-file is designated for C-code generation using codegen, I use coder.ceval('printf',…) method. When I verify the compiled C-code using .mex function, none of the messages is printed during the simulation. Instead, all messages are printed at once after the simulation finishes. How can I force codegen to print a message instanteneously? Does anything similar to drawnow exist for coder.ceval('printf',..)? Anyone's help is appreciated!

Best Answer

as long you stay with mex you can do a
So a
coder.ceval('mexEvalString', '"drawnow"')
This will give the MATLAB Thread enough time to flush the buffer and to display the data.
In the case you want to generate code not for mex only you can use the to differentiate between those cases during the code generation process:
if strcmp('mex',
coder.ceval('mexEvalString', '"drawnow"')