MATLAB: Circle packed with Circles

circlecircle packingimage processing

Dear all,
I am wondering how to generate a circle filled with smaller circles? Do I have to calculate all the circle centers or is there a general way how do this numerically? I have the Image Processing Toolbox.
Kind regards,
Carlas Smith

Best Answer

Here the code :
First, you need to create a m-file
function [X Y] = circle(center,radius,n)
THETA = linspace(0, 2 * pi, n);
RHO = ones(1, n) * radius;
[X Y] = pol2cart(THETA, RHO);
X = X + center(1);
Y = Y + center(2);
Save this code with filename 'circle.m'
Then create a new m-file
function circles(R);
axis([0 2*R 0 2*R]); axis off; grid off; hold on;
[xoc yoc] = circle([R R], R, 1000); % outer circle
plot(xoc, yoc, '-','linewidth',2,'color',0.5.*rand(1,3));
[xcc ycc] = circle([R R], 1, 1000); % center circle
plot(xcc, ycc, '-','linewidth',2,'color',0.5.*rand(1,3));
numlapis = ((2*R) - (R+1)) / 2;
for cnt1 = 1 : numlapis
lapis(cnt1) = cnt1 * 6;
[xcoor ycoor] = circle([R R], cnt1*2, lapis(cnt1)+1);
for cnt2 = 1 : lapis(cnt1)
[xc yc] = circle([xcoor(cnt2) ycoor(cnt2)], 1, 1000);
plot(xc, yc, '-','linewidth',2,'color',0.5.*rand(1,3));
Save this code with filename 'circles.m'
And about how to use it.
After you save the files, you can call it from command window.
Just type 'circles(any diameter)'
Eq : circles(5);
Note that this function works well with odd number.
Just try :)