MATLAB: Changing portions of variable names


This may be a very simple question but I have been struggling with it for a bit and would appreciate the help.
rawdatafile = dir('*.csv');
rawdata =;
RawDataMatrix = csvread(rawdata, 13,0);
dlmwrite( strcat(rawdata,'.dat'), RawDataMatrix)
I have some code that finds a .csv file and imports it then deletes the first 13 rows and I am wanting to save the matrix as the same filename except instead of .csv I want to save it as .dat. The current code I have above saves it as filename.csv.dat so I am wondering how to get rid of the '.csv' portion before I save it. Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

Use this as the new filename:
Or more robustly:
[~,fnm] = fileparts(rawdata);