MATLAB: Axis function in Appdesigner


I'm trying to plot a single cycle of a wave. I've managed to do it in a test script using the axis function and limiting the range that is shown. However when I try to implement it into the app designer, it continues to plot the full wave and plots a second blank graph. My question is, does the axis function work differently when applied to a graph in the appdesigner? I've left some code out but below is what I use to limit the axis in app designer. The same code works in a standard function.
T = 1/modfreq ;
dt = 1/fs;
tt = 0:dt:T+dt ;
plot(app.UIAxes, len, wave)
axis([0 length(tt) 0 1])

Best Answer

The x & y axis limits can be set using the XLim & YLim properties
ax.XLim = [0 length(tt)];
ax.YLim = [0 1];
You could also try:
T = 1/modfreq ;
dt = 1/fs;
tt = 0:dt:T+dt ;
plot(app.UIAxes, len, wave)
axis(app.UIAxes, [0 length(tt) 0 1])