MATLAB: Are there any deconvolution functions, such as the Lucy-Richardson algorithm, for deblurring images in the Image Processing Toolbox

deblurringdeconvolutionfunctionsImage Processing Toolboximageslucyrichardson

Are there any deconvolution functions, such as the Lucy-Richardson algorithm, for deblurring images in the Image Processing Toolbox?

Best Answer

The DECONVLUCY function, which is available in the Image Processing Toolbox as of version 3.0 (R12), deblurs an image using Lucy-Richardson method. For more information and examples on this function, please type the following in the MATLAB Command Window to view the documentation on DECONVLUCY function
web([docroot '/toolbox/images/deconvlucy.html'])
In addition to the DECONVLUCY function, the Image Processing Toolbox 3.0 and later versions also offer the following deblurring functions:
DECONVREG - Deblur image using Regularized filter.
DECONVWNR - Deblur image using Wiener filter.
EDGETAPER - Taper edges using point-spread function.
OTF2PSF - Optical transfer function to point-spread function.
PSF2OTF - Point-spread function to optical transfer function.