MATLAB: Am I not able to open a webpage at a specific location using the ‘-browser’ tag of the web command in Mac OS


When I try opening a particular section of a webpage specified by the "name" tag in HTML using an external browser from MATLAB in Mac OS X, I get the following error:
2007-04-03 09:51:47.316 open[6060] No such file: /Applications/MATLAB/help.html#4
The code I use to open the browser is:

Best Answer

The issue with web browsers in OS X is that it was not including the “file://” in front of the location address to open it as a file if a specific location is opened using the "#" character. Manually appending "file://" in front of the location would open the webpage in specific location. The following code below demonstrates this.
file = '/Applications/MATLAB/help.html#4';
file = ['file://' file];