MATLAB: Add annotation to a parent figure middle left

vertical text annotation in a parent figure

I am using code below to creat a n*1 plot:
figure1 = figure('PaperSize',[8 8]);
for i=1:N
f = subplot(N,1,i);
plot(X,Y, 'Color','k');
I would like to add an annotation/text to the center left of the figure, vertically.
I am using the following code to do so:
xlim = get(gca,'XLim');
ht = text(xlim(1)+0.95*xlim(2),0.5*ylim(1)+0.5*ylim(2),'Absorbance [a.u.]');
However, the gca is getting the xlim and ylim of the last subplot, not the whole figure. Any suggestion to do so?
Following is what I want to achieve.

Best Answer

The following code might help you:
close all
figure1 = figure('PaperSize',[8 8]);
N = 5;
for i=1:N
f = subplot(N,1,i);
% plot(X,Y, 'Color','k');
ax = subplot(N,1,round(N/2))
ht = text(ax,0,mean(ax.YLim),'Absorbance [a.u.]','HorizontalAlignment','center');