The following algorithm suggests itself. Let $\alpha$ be an unknown root of a polynomial $f(x)$ of degree $n$, and $\beta$ be an unknown root of a polynomial $g(x)$ of degree $m$.
Using the equation $f(\alpha)=0$ allows us to rewrite any power $\alpha^k$ as
a linear combination of $1,\alpha,\alpha^2,\ldots,\alpha^{n-1}$. Similarly using the equation $g(\beta)=0$ allows us to rewrite any power $\beta^\ell$ as a linear
combination of $1,\beta,\beta^2,\ldots,\beta^{m-1}$. Putting these two pieces together shows that we can write any monomial $\alpha^k\beta^\ell$ as a linear combination of the $mn$ quantities $\alpha^i\beta^j, 0\le i<n, 0\le j<m.$
Denote $c_k=\alpha^i\beta^j$, where $k=mi+j$ ranges from $0$ to $mn-1$.
Next let us use the expansions of $(\alpha\beta)^t$, $0\le t\le mn$ in terms of the $c_k$:s. Let these be
Here the coefficients $a_{tk}$ are integers. We seek to find integers $x_t,t=0,1,\ldots,mn$, such that
Let us substitute our formula for the power $(\alpha\beta)^t$ above. The equation $(*)$ becomes
0=\sum_t\sum_kx_ta_{tk}c_k=\sum_k\left(\sum_t x_ta_{kt}\right)c_k.
This will be trivially true, if the coefficients of all $c_k$:s vanish, that is, is the equation
\sum_{t=0}^{mn}a_{kt}x_t=0 \qquad(**)
holds for all $k=0,1,2,\ldots,mn-1$. Here there are $mn$ linear homogeneous equations on the $mn+1$ unknowns $x_t$. Therefore linear algebra says that we are guaranteed to succeed in the sense that there exists a non-trivial vector
$(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{mn})$ of rational numbers that is a solution of $(**)$. Furthermore, by multiplying with the least common multiple of the denominators,
we can make all the $x_t$:s integers.
The polynomial
is then an answer.
Let's do your example of $f(x)=x^2-1$ and $g(x)=x^2+3x+2$. Here $f(\alpha)=0$
tells us that $\alpha^2=1$. Similarly $g(\beta)=0$ tells us that $\beta^2=-3\beta-2$. This is all we need from the polynomials. Here $c_0=1$, $c_1=\beta$,
$c_2=\alpha$ and $c_3=\alpha\beta$. Let us write the power $(\alpha\beta)^t$,
$t=0,1,2,3,4$ in terms of the $c_k$:s.
We are thus looking for solutions of the homogeneous linear system
Let us look for a solution with $x_4=1$ (if the polynomials you started with
are monic, then this always works AFAICT). The third equation tells us that we should have $x_3=0$. The second equation allows us to solve that $x_2=-5$. The last equation and our knowledge of $x_3$ tells that $x_1=0$. The first equation
then tells that $x_0=4.$ This gives us the output
The possibilities for $\alpha$ are $\pm1$ and the possibilities for $\beta$ are $-1$ and $-2$. We can easily check that all the possible four products $\pm1$ and $\pm2$ are zeros of this quartic polynomial.
My solution to the linear system was ad hoc, but there are known algorithms for that: elimination, an explicit solution in terms of minors,...
If $f$ is a degree $n$ polynomial then $f'$ is a degree $n - 1$ polynomial, and has at most $n - 1$ roots. That means that there can be at most $n - 1$ local maxima and minima of the function $f$. Likewise, this caps the number of changes in concavity.
This really strongly constrains the ripply behavior that you're talking about.
Best Answer
Note: The question has been changed. The following answers the new question: "Why do local extremas of a differentiable function $f(x)$ occur precisely where $f'(x)=0$?"
Suppose we have a differentiable function $f(x)$, and further suppose that $f(x)$ has a local max (or local min) at $x=c$. Then it must be that the slope of the tangent line to $f(x)$ at $x=c$ is $0$; that is, $f(x)$ has a horizontal tangent at $x=c$.
The derivative $f'(x)$ tells us the slope of the tangent line to $f(x)$ at any $x$-value we want. Therefore, it must be that $f'(c)=0$, since the we know that $f(x)$ has a tangent slope of $0$ at $x=c$.
In summary, if $f(x)$ has a local extrema at $x=c$, then $f'(c)=0$.
(However, if $f'(c)=0$, this does not necessarily mean that $f(x)$ has a local extrema at $x=c$; for example, $f(x)=x^3$ at $x=0$)