What type of curve is described by $\cos{x}+\cos{x}\cos{y}+\cos{y}=0$

curvesimplicit functionplane-curves

Does the curve by the function $$\cos{x}+\cos{x}\cos{y}+\cos{y}=0\\x=[-2\pi/3,2\pi/3],\; y=[-2\pi/3,2\pi/3]$$ belong to any known curve family? Examples of curves can be found in Wikipedia (Link1, Link2) but the longest list with $\approx 1000$ curves you find here.

Best Answer

This implicit equation can be written

$$(1+\cos x)(1+\cos y)=1$$

Using a classical trigonometric formula:


$$2\cos(x/2)\cos(y/2)=\pm 1$$

Due to invariance with respect to changes $x \to -x, y \to -y$ (in connection with symmetries with respect to coordinate axes), one can reduce the study to the first quadrant with equation:

$$\cos(y/2)=\frac{1}{2 \cos(x/2)}$$

finally giving a cartesian equation for the curve in the first quadrant:

$$y=2 \arccos \left(\frac{1}{2 \cos(x/2)}\right) $$

This form doesn't evoke more anything known than the implicit form (but see the Edit below).

A first check : if $x=0$ we get $y=2 \frac{\pi}{3}$ which is the point $(0,2 \frac{\pi}{3}\approx 2.09)$ on your curve.

Remark: there is also another symmetry with respect to line bissector $y=x$.

Important edit: With the help of Geogebra, I have found a very good fit of this curve with the following so-called "squircle" with equation


as we can see on the following representation (the red curve with equation (1) hides almost completely the initial curve, in black). It would be interesting to understand why such a good fit exists.

enter image description here

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