In the Wikipedia article on Fixed-point combinator in the Values and domains section, we find the following:
$$x^2 = -1 \implies x = \frac{-1}x \implies fx = \frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$$
What does the $\bigwedge$ mean? How does $x = \frac{-1}x$ imply $fx = \frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$? My best guess is observing that $\lambda be.eb = \overline{b^e}$, then guessing that $\bigwedge$ means exponentiation, but that would still not explain why $fx = x$ or $\frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$.
Best Answer
Examining the source code of the Wikipedia page indicates that this symbol is generated by
, which denotes "logical and", or conjunction. Note the difference in size and weight between $\bigwedge$ and $\land$.