Solve the heat equation – by splitting up the second order derivative

heat equationpartial differential equations

I tried to solve the heat equation here, but I am not sure this works out.

We have

\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2}=4\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}~, \qquad 0<x<\pi\,,~t>0

I.C. are

\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0,y) = 0 \\
\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x}(\pi,y) = 0 \\
u(x,0)= \cos5x

So we know that

&fu_x=f_xg \\
&u_{xx}=f_{xx}g \\

So the equation by separation of variables is:


But since we can write

f_{xx}g=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\bigg(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}f\bigg)g

and I.C.s can be written as:

\dfrac{\partial }{\partial x}f(0)g(y) = 0 \\
\dfrac{\partial }{\partial x}f(0)g(y) = 0 \\
f(x)g(0)= \cos5x

Then we can substitute $\frac{\partial}{\partial x}f(0)g(y)=0$ right into the equation:

\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\bigg(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}f(0)g\bigg)-4g_yf=0

and that will zero out the first term, and we are left with


Knowing that $f(x)= \cos5x$, we have at $u(x,0)$:

g_y \cos 5x=0

which unfortunately, has only the trivial solution. Is there any way to use this simplification to solve this system? If not, what is the better way?


Best Answer


We can guess that $u(x,y) = X(x)Y(y)$ Then we get

$$u_{xx} = 4u_y = X^{''}(x)*Y(y) = 4Y^{'}(y)X(x)$$

From there, we isolate the functions to get


However, a function of x can only equal a function of y if both functions are constant. Let's call this function $-\lambda$




See if you can solve from here!

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