Representation of so(11) in terms of tensors


I'm going through some lecture notes I found online about Symmetry for Physicists and I got stuck in a problem of representations and tensors. The problem reads "The Lie algebra so(11) of rotations in 11 dimensions has an irreducible 55-dimensional representation.
Describe the representation module in terms of tensors." I've been thinking about it for a while but I'm not able to relate it to the simpler cases I found in the notes. Could someone provide me with a starting point?
Thank you

Best Answer

The defining representation generators of SO(n) are n×n antisymmetric real matrices $M_{ij}$, so, then, n(n-1)/2 of them, where i,j=1,...,n. Recall the generators you know from n=3.

For n=11, you then have 55 such matrices, the dimension of the so(11) algebra. The real structure constants of the commutators of these 55 matrices, $M^a_{ij}$, now indexed by a=1,....,55, among themselves$^1$, are the representation matrices of the adjoint representation, $f^a_{bc}$. They act on the space of 55-vectors, easy to construct from the rank-2 antisymmetric tensors $M_{ij} $.

1 $[M_b,M_c]=f^a_{bc}M_a.$

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